Become an Affiliate

Additional product offerings increase the likelihood of turning your hard work into profit.  Make sure that everyone of those you touch has a chance to reach their goals.

 CBI’s Affiliate program lets you do what you do best – sell and make money without
the additional pressure of being a credit coach for your clients or friends.

Customers with good credit equal more opportunities to close the deal. Changing their life through good credit creates a loyal customer – people remember when someone has helped to improve their financial situation.

Are you tired of turning prospects away because their credit scores are not high enough? CBI’s products will help them become financeable and take the pressure off of you to be their credit coach. We will show your prospects what they need to do to raise their scores and build positive credit.

How great would it be to know you helped someone reach their dreams? By
helping CBI create a market of credit savvy individuals, you are not only helping them – you are generating additional income for your household.

Become an affiliate for our family of companies.

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