ALERT: We Build Your Credit may be fraudulently listed as the Merchant for a credit repair service transaction on your bank statement. We Build Your Credit DOES NOT have credit card processing capabilities. We Do Not Provide Credit Repair.

Know what your
SIGNATURE is worth!

Free Assessment Quiz

Let an EXPERT help you understand what’s keeping you from great credit scores.
Most of us did not learn about credit in school. Our consultants take the guesswork out of the process and help determine your top moves to improve. You are not alone in your credit journey; thousands of others have taken this path to higher scores. Light is at the end of the tunnel!

How do I know if I need a Personalized Credit Assessment?

Credit Assessment Quiz

Step 1 of 4 - Getting Started

  • Getting Started

    This questionnaire helps us to better understand your credit goals and some of the challenges you may face achieving them. ​
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